As soon as we close to Oil Peak between 2010 or 2015 we would be witness of more and more wars like IRAK (secure and control of Black GOLD), all the planet would be harmed by the search for ENERGY (life & blood of Capitalism), then most of the powerful States would take Fascist positions “obtain at any cost what they need” for their societies no matter the consequences.
During the last 60 years Oil Industry has manage to satisfy the soaring thirst of the World for Oil, World Oil demand was 15 millions of barrels a day on 1955 and now it’s 82 millions (2005), a growth of 450%. Because of
Today there 1.3 trillions of barrels of Oil in the World, CIA report of 2002.
Countries in decreasing order of oil consumption. (Barrels per day, as of 2003.)
United States | 20,033,504 |
Japan | 5,578,386 |
China | 5,550,000 |
Germany | 2,677,443 |
Russia | 2,675,000 |
India | 2,320,000 |
Canada | 2,193,263 |
South Korea | 2,168,128 |
Brazil | 2,100,000 |
France | 2,059,843 |
Mexico | 2,015,232 |
Italy | 1,874,380 |
Saudi Arabia | 1,775,000 |
United Kingdom | 1,722,419 |
Spain | 1,544,260 |
Iran | 1,425,000 |
Indonesia | 1,155,000 |
That is why most of the World greatest economies are moving around the globe to secure reserves of 3rd world, an example is Caspian Sea where USA is backing up despotic Regimes in exchange of Oil, China is also buying reserves on Africa and Iran.
Although Black Gold would be depleted soon, there are other energy sources like GAS and Uranium (FINIT), that is why UN started to make a Global Forum to search for new sources of Energy that can help all the world and don’t endanger the ecosystem like today with Fossil fuels.
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