US has a lots of problems now…. and with a weaken economy and industry the problem is worse... but this got worst just because the Texas Cowboy well know as W. BUSH. After World War II country all US companies where the best and was on top of production of all the world, now they have poor efficiency and production, a great example is the car industry now US only have 2 of 10 world car industries FORD & GMC (both with a great debts).
Even with that the country has a great power on IMF (International Monetary Fund) and WTO (World Trade Organization) both promote the free flow of investment & Commerce (and money) around the world, but this is very bad for the EMPIRE because it became very dependant of money from outside to finance the MEGA DEBT that grow at rate of $1.74 mil millions of Dollars since September 30 2005 and now its $8,386,272,505,202.03 Trillions of Dollars. The other great danger of US economy is the housing market bubble that would collapse and make recesion worst, most US citizen has mortage and today that exceed $1 trillion of dollars
Even that most of XX century was dominated by them this could not be achieve this new Century because the new players like China, India and the reborn from ashes of Russia BEAR.
This would be the great legacy of Cowboy BUSH for his 8 years Imperial Presidency.
KARL MARX says “the system makes his own destruction”
US National debt Clock growing everyday link: http://www.brillig.com/debt_clock/
Congress set Debt limit to $9 trillion
Housing Market Bubble Would explode soon
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